

5. – 6. Sep 2024

Post-Pandemic Imaginaries Space, Culture and Memory after Lockdown


Cen­tre for Cul­ture and Every­day Life at the School of the Arts, Uni­ver­si­ty of Liv­er­pool, UK

„Post-Pan­dem­ic Imag­i­nar­ies Space, Cul­ture and Mem­o­ry after Lockdown”
5–6th September
Cen­tre for Cul­ture and Every­day Life at the School of the Arts, Uni­ver­si­ty of Liv­er­pool, UK
Keynote speak­ers: Stef Craps (Ghent Uni­ver­si­ty), Dawn Lyon (Uni­ver­si­ty of Kent)
Cfp dead­line 10 May

The Cen­tre for Cul­ture and Every­day Life (CCEL) invites con­tri­bu­tions to a two-day inter­dis­ci­pli­nary con­fer­ence explor­ing changes in the expe­ri­ence and imag­in­ing of every­day urban spaces fol­low­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. The aim of the con­fer­ence is to focus crit­i­cal atten­tion not on the impact of the pan­dem­ic and asso­ci­at­ed gov­ern­ment lock­downs, but on the process­es of reimag­in­ing, remem­ber­ing and remap­ping of every­day cul­ture and expe­ri­ence through a post-pan­dem­ic lens.
A key focus of enquiry are the real-and-imag­i­nary geo­gra­phies of every­day expe­ri­ences under lock­down where the imag­i­na­tion was put to work in ways that often elicit­ed het­ero­topic glimpses of a post-pan­dem­ic world that may, in the years since, have all but slipped into obliv­ion. Dur­ing lock­down, the ‘spa­tial play’ (Marin 1984) of the utopic imag­i­na­tion – the inter­play of hori­zons and fron­tiers as nego­ti­at­ed through forms of every­day social and spa­tial prac­tice – was gal­vanised by a col­lec­tive expe­ri­ence of space and time that trans­formed the affec­tive con­tours of every­day liv­ing. As phys­i­cal move­ments and inter­ac­tions were com­pressed into the indi­vid­u­alised land­scapes of lock­down, alter­na­tive, vir­tu­al forms of social and spa­tial rela­tion­ships were brought into play. Whether by ensconc­ing one­self in vir­tu­al spaces or by ven­tur­ing anew into the sud­den­ly depop­u­lat­ed land­scapes of local urban neigh­bour­hoods, recon­fig­ured forms of indi­vid­ual spa­tial agency brought with them a cor­re­spond­ing recon­fig­ur­ing of the every­day urban imaginary.
For some, dystopi­an sce­nar­ios famil­iar from lit­er­a­ture and film were off­set by small utopi­an moments: the impulse of plan­ners and city coun­cils to take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to engage cit­i­zens in reimag­in­ing urban space, moments of com­mu­ni­ty and togeth­er­ness amid the enforced sep­a­ra­tions, an absence of traf­fic noise and pol­lu­tion, and new­ly audi­ble bird­song. Videos shared online that showed wild ani­mals roam­ing the streets, and even memes ridi­cul­ing the notion that “nature is heal­ing”, may have even offered some momen­tary respite from ongo­ing cli­mate anx­i­ety. While for many peo­ple, con­fine­ment could be expe­ri­enced as chaot­ic, over­crowd­ed, and made work-time almost end­less, for oth­ers it opened up time to reflect, and to pause, to imag­ine how their lives might be otherwise.
If there was a utopi­an impulse amid the ter­rors of the pan­dem­ic, what did it look like, and what traces remain? Is there an eth­i­cal and aes­thet­ic imper­a­tive to sal­vage the resid­ual glimpses, frag­ments, dreams and imag­i­nar­ies engen­dered by the pan­dem­ic? In what ways, if any, did the pro­ject­ed imag­in­ings of post-pan­dem­ic urban futures con­tribute to sub­stan­tive changes that are dis­cernible now, four years on? How are the lived spaces and tem­po­ral­i­ties of cities qual­i­ta­tive­ly dif­fer­ent today from what they were in 2019? Are they dif­fer­ent or was it all just a blip? What traces of pan­dem­ic behav­iour and expe­ri­ence remain in our dai­ly inter­ac­tions? Has the pan­dem­ic brought about a keen­er aware­ness and val­ue of the local? How did art and pho­tog­ra­phy respond to the tem­po­rary trans­for­ma­tion of pub­lic and social space? How have forms of every­day mobil­i­ty changed? Are there post-pan­dem­ic spa­tial sto­ries that reveal a trans­for­ma­tion in how peo­ple engage with and imag­ine every­day urban spaces? And if there are, what do these spa­tial sto­ries look like? What do they say and how might they be traced or mapped? What does re-engag­ing the every­day mean in a post-pan­dem­ic world?

About the Keynote speakers:
Stef Craps (Ghent University)
Stef is Pro­fes­sor of Eng­lish Lit­er­a­ture at Ghent Uni­ver­si­ty, where he directs the Cul­tur­al Mem­o­ry Stud­ies Ini­tia­tive. He has authored or edit­ed numer­ous books, spe­cial jour­nal issues and arti­cles on trau­ma, mem­o­ry, cli­mate change and eco-emo­tions as medi­at­ed through culture.

Dawn Lyon (Uni­ver­si­ty of Kent)
Dawn is Pro­fes­sor of Soci­ol­o­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Kent. She has pub­lished wide­ly on the soci­ol­o­gy of work, time and every­day life. Her recent research includes analy­sis of accounts of every­day life col­lect­ed by Mass Obser­va­tion dur­ing the Covid-19 Pan­dem­ic, attend­ing to rhythm and future imagining.

We wel­come pro­pos­als address­ing these issues from schol­ars at all career stages and a wide range of dis­ci­plines and backgrounds.

Abstract Sub­mis­sion: Please send abstracts (300 words max.) with your name, title, affil­i­a­tion (where appro­pri­ate) and a short bio (up to 200 words). Please pre­pare for a 20 minute pre­sen­ta­tion by 10 May 2024 to the con­fer­ence orga­niz­ers:

Noti­fi­ca­tions of accep­tance will be sent out by 7th June 2024.


9. – 11. Sep 2024

Interdisciplinarity: Medical Humanities and Research at the intersections of the Humanities, the Social Sciences, Clinical Practice and Biomedicine


Med­ical Human­i­ties Inter­na­tion­al Sum­mer School 2024 in Vad­ste­na, Sweden

„Inter­dis­ci­pli­nar­i­ty: Med­ical Human­i­ties and Research at the inter­sec­tions of the Human­i­ties, the Social Sci­ences, Clin­i­cal Prac­tice and Biomedicine”
Med­ical Human­i­ties Inter­na­tion­al Sum­mer School 2024
Orga­nized by The Cen­tre for Med­ical Human­i­ties and Bioethics (Linköping Uni­ver­si­ty) and the Insti­tute for Med­ical Human­i­ties (Durham University)
Vad­ste­na, Sweden
9–11 Sep­tem­ber 2024
Dead­line: 12th March

What does inter­dis­ci­pli­nar­i­ty in med­ical human­i­ties mean? What are the epis­te­mo­log­i­cal under­pin­nings of dif­fer­ent inter­dis­ci­pli­nary ways of engag­ing in med­ical human­i­ties research? What are the chal­lenges and pos­si­bil­i­ties in inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research at the inter­sec­tion between the human­i­ties, the social sci­ences, clin­i­cal research, and bio­med­i­cine? These are some of the ques­tions that will be explored in this Med­ical Human­i­ties Sum­mer School aimed at PhD stu­dents in med­ical human­i­ties, social sci­ences, and med­i­cine, and with an inter­est in inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research. 

For infor­ma­tion about prac­ti­cal details, bur­saries, and how to apply please vis­it: .


12. – 13. Sep 2024

Popular Health & Social Media Conference


Con­fer­ence at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Siegen (Ger­many)

Pop­u­lar Health & Social Media Conference
Uni­ver­si­ty of Siegen (Ger­many)
Sep­tem­ber 12 and 13, 2024

Three the­mat­ic areas: (1) self-track­ing, with a spe­cial focus on the man­age­ment of (chron­ic) dis­eases, (2) chron­ic dis­eases and the use of social media, and (3) the exam­i­na­tion of
indi­vid­ual com­mu­ni­ties that change and shape their every­day lives with the help of social media and online com­mu­ni­ties (ME/CFS and/or long/­post-COVID syn­drome, car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­eases, lipede­ma, etc.).

These three the­mat­ic areas will be cov­ered in three dis­tinct pan­els and each pan­el will be opened by a renowned expert in the field: (1) Rachael Kent (King’s Col­lege Lon­don, UK), (2) Aman­da Karls­son (Aarhus Uni­ver­sitet, DK), and (3) Bian­ca Jan­sky (Uni­ver­si­ty of Augs­burg, DE). 

The call for abstracts specif­i­cal­ly address­es pre­docs and ear­ly post­docs and clos­es on June 1, 2024. Find it here.

For more infor­ma­tion please see here:


19. – 20. Sep 2024

Shifting Relations: Ageing in a Datafied World


An annu­al meet­ing of the Socio-geron­tech­nol­o­gy Network

„Shift­ing Rela­tions: Age­ing in a Datafied World”
An annu­al meet­ing of the Socio-geron­tech­nol­o­gy Network
19–20 Sept
Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Vienna
Dead­line: 15 March

The event brings togeth­er crit­i­cal schol­ar­ship on age­ing and tech­nol­o­gy from var­i­ous social sci­ences and human­i­ties per­spec­tives – includ­ing STS, age stud­ies, social and crit­i­cal geron­tol­ogy, media stud­ies, crit­i­cal design stud­ies, and many others.
Please find a detailed call for papers, posters and ses­sions at


23. – 26. Sep 2024

Images as evidence (of what)? The Body at the Intersection of Science and Art


Vien­na Anthro­pol­o­gy Days, Dept. of Social & Cul­tur­al Anthro­pol­o­gy, Uni­ver­si­ty of Vienna

Images as evi­dence (of what)? The Body at the Inter­sec­tion of Sci­ence and Art
Sep­tem­ber 23–26th
Uni­ver­si­ty of Vienna
Con­ven­ers Sophie Wag­n­er & Bar­bara Graf
CfP Dead­line June 1st

Sci­en­tif­ic images of the human body hold a dis­tinct sta­tus as being reli­able medi­ums, even though we often don’t know, or par­tial­ly ignore, what kind of image it is and how it has been made (Canals 2020). This is true for visu­al­iza­tions that serve as ref­er­en­tial wit­ness – micro pho­tog­ra­phy, x‑rays, MRI, CT-scans or endo­scop­ic images – and “visu­al strate­gies” that put togeth­er data on the basis of syn­the­sis, order­ing knowl­edge in “abstract tableaus”, trans­form­ing it into cal­cu­la­ble fig­ures, graphs or dia­grams (Mer­sch 2006). They serve as evi­dence in clin­i­cal deci­sion mak­ing, as tool for gov­ern­men­tal prac­tices, and legit­imize poli­cies. Bod­ies are dis­sect­ed, screened and mea­sured, promis­ing trans­paren­cy (Strath­ern 2000), cre­at­ing a sense of “hyper cer­tain­ty” (Fox 2000), and fos­ter­ing the idea of med­i­cine as “exact sci­ence”. With this pan­el we aim to dis­cuss cur­rent modes of engag­ing with the human body visu­al­ly, exam­in­ing this fram­ing of bod­ies, beings – and lives in gen­er­al – as cal­cu­la­ble and pre­dictable. We want to exam­ine the ter­rain of both – the visu­al­iza­tions of dis­eases, and artic­u­la­tions of indi­vid­ual ill­ness expe­ri­ences, which have proven to be par­tic­u­lar­ly use­ful in sup­port­ing the patient-doc­tor com­mu­ni­ca­tion. We ask: how can we crit­i­cal­ly engage with image-mak­ing embed­ded in dis­cours­es of cer­tain­ty and trust? Fol­low­ing the Images of Care collective’s man­i­festo (Pieta and Favero 2023), we under­stand visu­al cul­ture – “how we see, how we are able, allowed, or made to see, and how we see this see­ing or the unseen there­in” (Fos­ter 1988:ix) – as being shaped by ongo­ing dia­logues between biol­o­gy, cul­ture and pol­i­tics. We invite schol­ars and prac­ti­tion­ers to present works, which explore bod­i­ly process­es, cor­po­re­al sen­sa­tions and ill­ness expe­ri­ences. We high­light an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary per­spec­tive, hop­ing to inspire dia­logue across pro­fes­sion­al bound­aries, invit­ing anthro­pol­o­gists who fol­low col­lab­o­ra­tive and exper­i­men­tal approach­es (For­tun et al. 2021), visu­al artists, health-care pro­fes­sion­als, and patient advocates.

More info:


16. – 17. Okt 2024

Critical Choices: Triaging Humanitarian Priorities


Hybrid 26th Human­i­tar­i­an Con­gress Berlin

26th Human­i­tar­i­an Con­gress Berlin: „Crit­i­cal Choic­es: Triag­ing Human­i­tar­i­an Priorities”
16–17 Octo­ber, 2024
Ura­nia Berlin
In-per­son and online

We are excit­ed to announce that the Human­i­tar­i­an Con­gress Berlin will be back with two days of in-per­son and hybrid ses­sions, work­shops, and our exhi­bi­tion and exchange area – the Human­i­tar­i­an Forum. Whether you are a cur­rent, for­mer or future human­i­tar­i­an expert, politi­cian, thought leader, media pro­fes­sion­al or researcher inter­est­ed in dri­ving pos­i­tive change through crit­i­cal debate, this event is for you.

This year’s pro­gramme will revolve around nav­i­gat­ing human­i­tar­i­an needs against the back­drop of diverse crises. The rise of author­i­tar­i­an regimes, a glob­al shift towards right-wing pol­i­tics, the cli­mate cri­sis, the sys­tem­at­ic ero­sion of human­i­tar­i­an prin­ci­ples and attacks on human­i­tar­i­ans accom­pa­nied by dras­tic bud­get cuts amongst oth­ers are putting unprece­dent­ed pres­sure on human­i­tar­i­an actors, fur­ther politi­cis­ing them and endan­ger­ing their safety.

The con­gress will explore how, besides grow­ing pri­or­i­ties in a mul­ti­po­lar world, a coher­ent vision for human­i­tar­i­an inter­ven­tion as well as for­ward-think­ing approach­es such as the use of AI in human­i­tar­i­an action, antic­i­pa­to­ry action, and the long-term con­se­quences of crises can be applied to seek solu­tions for equi­table, resilient, and sus­tain­able futures.

For fur­ther updates and details, vis­it our web­site and fol­low us on X @humconberlin (#HCBer­lin). An offi­cial invi­ta­tion includ­ing the online reg­is­tra­tion will fol­low in due course.

We would be delight­ed to wel­come you to the Human­i­tar­i­an Con­gress Berlin 2024.

This event is host­ed by Médecins Sans Fron­tières / Doc­tors with­out Bor­ders, Médecins du Monde / Doc­tors of the World, and the Ger­man Red Cross, in part­ner­ship with Oxfam Germany.


24. – 25. Okt 2024

Charity and voluntarism in Britain’s mixed economy of healthcare since 1948


Con­fer­ence in London

Two day con­fer­ence on „Char­i­ty and vol­un­tarism in Britain’s mixed econ­o­my of health­care since 1948”
Thu-Fri 24–25 Octo­ber 2024
Cfp Dead­line: May 10th

In 1946, the Min­is­ter of Health for Eng­land and Wales, Aneurin Bevan, con­demned the extent to which a sig­nif­i­cant part of the UK’s hos­pi­tal sys­tem was depen­dent on the ‘caprice of pri­vate char­i­ty’.  How­ev­er, char­i­ty – and vol­un­tarism more gen­er­al­ly – have con­tin­ued to play a sig­nif­i­cant role in the devel­op­ment of health­care with­in the UK’s Nation­al Health Ser­vice. Dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, the remark­able impact of NHS Char­i­ties Together’s Urgent COVID-19 Appeal demon­strat­ed the con­tin­u­ing rel­e­vance of char­i­ta­ble mon­ey in the NHS today. 

We invite abstract sub­mis­sions for papers from aca­d­e­m­ic researchers, pol­i­cy-mak­ers and prac­ti­tion­ers which active­ly engage with ques­tions about the role of char­i­ty in health­care sys­tems. Although our own project has focused on devel­op­ments with­in the UK, we also wel­come papers which address these issues from a more inter­na­tion­al per­spec­tive. Papers might address ques­tions includ­ing (but not lim­it­ed to): 

– What eth­i­cal issues are gen­er­at­ed by char­i­ta­ble finance in health-care, and how might organ­i­sa­tions respond to the dilem­mas these pose? 
– Who defines the aspects of health­care pro­vi­sion that are ‘essen­tial’, or are ‘nice-to-have’? 
– To what extent has char­i­ty played a par­tic­u­lar role either in pio­neer­ing the devel­op­ment of new ser­vices or direct­ing atten­tion to the needs of so-called ‘Cin­derel­la’ services? 
– How have atti­tudes to fundrais­ing, and fundrais­ing prac­tices in health­care, changed over the years? 
– What role has char­i­ty played in ‘embed­ding’ hos­pi­tals and oth­er health­care facil­i­ties with­in their com­mu­ni­ties, and what role does it con­tin­ue to play? 
– What roles have busi­ness­es and cor­po­ra­tions played in rela­tion to char­i­ta­ble income in the NHS?
– What impact has char­i­ta­ble fund­ing had with­in broad­er pat­terns of health­care expenditure? 
– What can debates about the role of char­i­ty with­in health­care reveal about the atti­tudes of dif­fer­ent polit­i­cal par­ties towards the role of vol­un­tarism more broadly? 

More details and full call for papers avail­able on the project web­site.


15. – 16. Nov 2024

(A)symmetrische Beziehungen. Facetten der Kooperation im psychiatrischen Krankenhausalltag


36. Jahresta­gung der Arbeits­ge­mein­schaft Eth­nolo­gie und Medi­zin (AGEM) in Koop­er­a­tion mit dem Alex­ius/Josef-Kranken­haus in Neuss und der Ver­bund­forschungsplat­tform Worlds of Con­tra­dic­tion der Uni­ver­sität Bre­men im Alex­ius/Josef-Kranken­haus in Neuss

Call for Papers bis 31. Mai 2024

Der All­t­ag in ein­er Psy­chi­a­trie wird von unter­schiedlich­sten Akteur*innen bes­timmt. Neben den Patient*innen gibt es unter anderem den ärztlichen und den pflegerischen Dienst, Psycholog*innen, Mitar­bei­t­ende der ther­a­peutis­chen Dien­ste wie Sport‑, Ergo- und Musik­ther­a­pie, klin­is­che Sozialarbeiter*innen und Genesungsbegleiter*innen wie Seelsorger*innen oder Klininkclowns sowie Mitarbeiter*innen in der Ver­wal­tung, Raumpflege und Küche, die miteinan­der auf unter­schiedlichen Ebe­nen kooperieren. Einge­bet­tet sind diese Beziehun­gen in ökonomis­che, infra­struk­turelle und gesellschaftliche Rah­menbe­din­gun­gen. Zudem bee­in­flussen die sozialen und kul­turellen Hin­ter­gründe von Patient*innen und Mitar­bei­t­en­den die jew­eili­gen Beziehun­gen genau­so wie die Wahl der Behand­lungs­form, ins­beson­dere die der Medika­tion. Dabei zeich­nen sich die Beziehun­gen der beteiligten Akteur*innen durch unter­schiedlichen Asym­me­trien in den Bere­ichen des Wis­sens, des Han­delns, der Macht und des Nutzens aus.

Eine lange Tra­di­tion beste­ht in dem Ver­such, die Koop­er­a­tio­nen und beson­ders die zwis­chen Patient*innen und Mitar­bei­t­en­den ein­er psy­chi­a­trischen Insti­tu­tion zu sym­metrisieren. Den­noch ste­hen sym­metrische und asym­metrische Beziehun­gen in einem Span­nungsver­hält­nis, kommt doch der All­t­ag in der Psy­chi­a­trie zumeist nicht ohne asym­metrische Beziehun­gen und pater­nal­is­tis­che Entschei­dun­gen aus. Trotz ver­schieden­ster Bemühun­gen, stan­dar­d­isierte Ver­fahren der Koop­er­a­tion zu entwick­eln, bleibt der Klinikall­t­ag unberechen­bar und voller Wider­sprüche und stellt alle Akteur*innen täglich vor neue Her­aus­forderun­gen, das Zusam­men­spiel aller men­schlichen wie nicht-men­schlichen Akteur*innen (Architek­tur, SGB V, Medika­mente usw.) auszuhan­deln.

Auf dieser Tagung möcht­en wir ver­schiedene Ebe­nen der Koop­er­a­tio­nen dieser unter­schiedlichen Akteur*innen und ihre Auswirkun­gen auf den psy­chi­a­trischen All­t­ag in den Blick nehmen. Dazu gehören: 

1) Koop­er­a­tio­nen zwis­chen Wis­senschaften und Kranken­haus­prax­is: Wie wer­den Forschungsergeb­nisse in der Medi­zin und der Pflegeprax­is umge­set­zt und wie wird die Kranken­haus­prax­is in der Forschung berücksichtigt?

2) Koop­er­a­tio­nen zwis­chen den Diszi­plinen: Wie kooperieren unter­schiedliche Diszi­plinen mit ihren unter­schiedlichen Ansätzen miteinan­der und welche Syn­ergien und Wider­sprüche entste­hen dadurch?

3) Koop­er­a­tio­nen zwis­chen Patient*innen und ärztlichem, pflegerischem und weit­erem Per­son­al: Wie wird das Ver­hält­nis zwis­chen Reg­ulierung und Empow­er­ment der Patient*innen im All­t­ag aus­ge­han­delt und welche Möglichkeit­en und Gren­zen ergeben sich bei dem Ver­such ein­er Sym­metrisierung des Ver­hält­niss­es von Patient*innen und ärztlichem und pflegerischem Personal?

Wir suchen nach inter­diszi­plinären Beiträ­gen unter­schiedlich­ster Art (Vorträge, Erfahrungs­berichte, Round­ta­bles, Work­shops,…) sowohl aus dem Bere­ich der Sozial‑, Kul­tur- und Geschichtswis­senschaften als auch aus dem medi­zinis­chen und pflegerischen All­t­ag, um durch einen mul­ti­per­spek­tivis­chen Blick auf die Facetten der Koop­er­a­tion die aktuellen Möglichkeit­en und Gren­zen (a)symmetrischer Beziehun­gen im psy­chi­a­trischen Klinikall­t­ag abzustecken.

Zuge­sagt sind bere­its Beiträge zum Konzept der Sote­ria auf ein­er psy­chi­a­trischen Akut­sta­tion (Adri­ane Canavaros), zu frei­heit­sentziehen­den Maß­nah­men und Deeskala­tion (Dr. Paul Weißen/Thomas Plötz und Andreas Hethke), zur Umset­zung eines europäis­chen Forschung­spro­jek­tes zum Expe­ri­enced Involve­ment (Hei­drun Lundie) und ein Bericht über die Teilöff­nung ein­er geron­topsy­chi­a­trischen Sta­tion (Dr. Andrea Kuck­ert und Kolleg:innen).

Tagung­sort ist das Alex­ius/Josef-Kranken­haus in Neuss, Tagungssprache ist Deutsch, englis­chsprachige Beiträge sind möglich. Bitte senden Sie ein Abstract von ca. 300 Wörtern für einen Vor­tragsvorschlag oder einen anderen Beitrag inkl. ein­er Kurzbi­ogra­phie bis zum 31. Mai 2024 an

Konzept und Organisation:
Andrea Kuck­ert (AGEM, Alex­ius/Josef-Kranken­haus Neuss)
Ehler Voss (AGEM, Worlds of Con­tra­dic­tion Uni­ver­sität Bremen)


27. – 29. Mrz 2025

10th Integrated History and Philosophy of Science conference


Con­fer­ence at Cal­i­for­nia Insti­tute of Technology

10th Inte­grat­ed His­to­ry and Phi­los­o­phy of Sci­ence conference
27–29 March 2025
Cal­i­for­nia Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy, Pasade­na, California

The Com­mit­tee for Inte­grat­ed His­to­ry and Phi­los­o­phy of Sci­ence invites the sub­mis­sion of abstracts for indi­vid­ual papers and “light­ning talks” for &HPS10, the 10th con­fer­ence in the series Inte­grat­ed His­to­ry and Phi­los­o­phy of Sci­ence. We seek con­tri­bu­tions that gen­uine­ly inte­grate his­tor­i­cal and philo­soph­i­cal analy­ses of sci­ence (i.e., the phys­i­cal sci­ences, life sci­ences, cog­ni­tive sci­ences, and social sci­ences) or that dis­cuss method­olog­i­cal issues sur­round­ing the prospects and chal­lenges of inte­grat­ing his­to­ry and phi­los­o­phy of sci­ence. For infor­ma­tion about the Com­mit­tee for Inte­grat­ed His­to­ry and Phi­los­o­phy of Sci­ence and pre­vi­ous con­fer­ences, see

Keynote speak­ers: Lydia Pat­ton (Vir­ginia Tech), Mar­ius Stan (Boston College)

Please note that &HPS10 does not run par­al­lel ses­sions and, giv­en the num­ber of slots avail­able, does not accept sym­po­sium sub­mis­sions. In addi­tion to con­tributed papers (20 min­utes + 10 min­utes of ques­tions), &HPS10 will also fea­ture a com­bi­na­tion of 10-minute light­ning talks fol­lowed by a com­mu­nal ses­sion with ‘dis­cus­sion sta­tions’ for the light­ning talk pre­sen­ters. For this forum, we wel­come sub­mis­sions that are more explorato­ry, works in progress, try out new ideas, and so on. Each pre­sen­ter may appear on the final pro­gram only once.

All pro­pos­als (whether for a con­tributed paper or light­ning talk) should con­tain a title and an abstract of up to 700 words (includ­ing references). 

Please sub­mit your abstracts to

We have an ongo­ing com­mit­ment to fos­ter­ing diver­si­ty and equal­i­ty in our pro­grams. Sub­mis­sions from mem­bers of under­rep­re­sent­ed groups are par­tic­u­lar­ly welcome!

Dead­line for abstract sub­mis­sions: 11:59 pm Any­where on Earth (UTC ‑12) 18 August. Noti­fi­ca­tion date: 31 Octo­ber, 2024.

Please direct any inquiries to Uljana Feest ( or Dana Tulodziec­ki (


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Vergangene Konferenzen


01. Mrz - 03. Mrz 2024

Geschichte der Psychoanalyse der International Psychoanalytic University (IPU)


International Psychoanalytic University (IPU) (Berlin, Germany)

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

01. Mrz 2024

CfP Vienna Anthropology Days 2024


University of Vienna, Dept. of Social & Cultural Anthropology NIG

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

27. Jan 2024

"Armut – Krankheit – Alter: Fürsorge in Schwaben in Stadt und Land"


33. Arbeitstagung der Heimatvereine, Historischen Vereine, Archive und Museen in Schwaben

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

18. Jan - 20. Jan 2024

"Exploring the Impact of Urbanization, Disasters, and Protection Strategies on Folk Medicine and Cultural Heritage"


Conference/CfP "Exploring the Impact of Urbanization, Disasters, and Protection Strategies on Folk Medicine and Cultural Heritage"

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung


17. Nov 2023

Conference on “Ukraine: community support for mental health, resilience and recovery”


Organized by the British charity organisation BEARR Trust

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

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